יום חמישי, 10 בנובמבר 2011



Have you ever dreamed of actually being on radio instead of just listening to it? What would you say if I told you that I know of way you could do just that? I was online one day and saw an ad on some website I was visiting. It had a radio microphone and asking me wouldn’t you like to be on the radio. 

So, for the heck of it I clicked the button and it took me to their website caster.fm . What I found when I got there was quite surprising. The main service they offer its members is the ability to set up an Internet radio station of their own. Registration for their site could not have been easier.

Once you are a member you will be given a shoutcast server for your website for your shoutcast radio to be hosted and a dashboard so you can control your radio station. They provide tutorials to help you figure out how to get everything up and running.

Integrate Social Media on your Radio Website

Along with website you will be able to integrate your Youtube video channel, Facebook and Twitter pages. As a member you will also be given an embed code so you can put your specially coded player on your personal web site or blog to share it with your friends or visitors to your site. Along with your social media sites you can share your personal blog posts from any blogger.com blog. If you have picture albums on Flickr.com or Picasa.com you can share them on your radio website as well.

Your Internet Radio Station and Podcasting

Say you have your radio station online and broadcasting some really cool content that you really wanted your friends to hear but they were going to be busy during the live broadcast. How would you be able to make it available for them? The really simply answer is called podcasting and caster.fm will automatically record your shoutcast and make them available for your friends to either listen to them directly on your site or they can download the podcast and listen to it on their computer or other device.

How does Caster.fm compare to other Internet Radio services? 

There are several sites that compete with Caster.fm, but they do not offer all of the features that Caster.fm does. This sets them apart from their competition with the following features:

Podcast Recorder is unique and not available on the other services
Directory Listing this is where members Internet Stations are listed and searchable
Full Featured Website no other service even comes close to this feature
Advanced Control Panel gives you full control of your Internet Radio website.
If you ever had a dream of having your own radio station and be in control of all of the content and feel like a big shot station manager, now you can. Just click the link and see it for yourself.

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